Thursday, July 30, 2009


hello hello, its me. D to the G yo. and i'm trying this blogging thing out, which i doubt will last, cause you know how lazy i can be sometimes.hah (:
you're probably wondering why i start blogging out of the blue, and especially when O levels is just around the corner. you see i was pondering about my past, and i can hardly recall in detail events that occured, events that i do want to remember for the rest of my life. Hence, i decided to blog! :D  haha, thats obviously the reason why everyone blogs,isn't it? 

so,this is my first post, and I'm kinda new to this (i know I'm so five years ago,haha). wait, i actually had a friendster blog two years ago,which means I'm not exactly new to this, but basically yes i am. tips anyone?

so, its 11:11 and I'm in my room strumming taylor(my friend's guitar, i know, hahah), in boarding school -.-, in Singapore, nothing unusual. uhh, tmr is Jing Deng's birthday and we're gonna have Japanese. that's about it.

oh, and i miss my family, friends in kk. I'll be back soon in Sept! hahah

awkward oh my first post. tsk.